Anyone reading this will possibly notice I am not very good at updating my Blog very often! But I have found myself with time over the last few months whilst I’ve seen my profession change beyond words. I, like so many others during this Covid-19 pandemic, am in awe of the challenges we have all come through.
It goes without saying that opportunities for live music making have diminished, whilst collaborative-live music making is virtually non-existent. Yet the opportunities for personal growth have been unbelievable. Any colleagues reading this may want to take a look at Mymusic Staff – which has revoltionised the way I run my teaching practice. And I think for all of us the question of ‘How important is Zoom?’ would take forever to answer. As for collaborative projects, virtual edits have certainly been a creative learning curve for me, with projects like this.
Just twelve months ago none of us knew quite how much our lives would be changing, and I know that even when it returns to a type of normal, I will be a very different and hopefully improved version of myself. The world has become smaller, home routines and self-motivation has strengthened and my desire to share, teach and play music is stronger than ever before.
2021 is full of opportunity. Maybe you might want to take a look at the new 10 @ 10 Group which is starting on 15th February as one possible example ….