Anyone reading this will possibly notice I am not very good at updating my Blog very often! But I have found myself with time over the last few months whilst I’ve seen my profession change beyond words. I, like so many others during this Covid-19 pandemic, am in awe of […]
Looking for ideas to help children to practise at home? We all need help to grow as a musician 🙂 Sadly there are no magic answers, but here are some ways that may help …. 1. Don’t expect them to do it spontaneously! Children are experts at being busy, and […]
For anyone starting to learn the flute, I am posting some useful links and information here. Take a look and feel free to ask questions …… Have fun! When it comes to needing a flute, you can of course choose between buying a second hand instrument, buying a new instrument […] is a new app (also available for desktop) which allows you to play backing tracks / CD tracks / MP3 files at any speed you want – without altering the pitch. is an excellent app for ipad / iphone (maybe other smart phones ….. I’m not sure at present) […]
Apps, Websites and other useful info: Below are some websites and apps that you may wish to take a look at. I will keep adding to these – If anyone has others to share, or comments about the things I post, please get in touch …. A useful website with sheet music, […]
This is an interesting article to read …… an ongoing problem for most young musicians, and their long-suffering-but-supportive parents 🙂
Using Playlists for Mood Setting Think of a song ….. or a favourite piece of music …… and notice how you feel! Isn’t it amazing how emotive music can be? The simple introduction to a song on the radio can bring back a memory, maybe with a smile or tears, as if the past […]
Have you found Music Matters on facebook? You can easily keep up to date with the latest class times and news. Go to musicmatterslinton and LIKE the Music Matters page!
It’s been one of those sunny ‘thinking days’ for me today, and I’ve found myself reminiscing…… In 1996, just after I qualified as Primary School teacher, I arranged for my school to take part in a BBC ‘Tomorrow’s World’ study. They were trying to prove, or disprove, ‘The Mozart […]
There’s nothing better than the start of a school holiday! Full of promise, hope and expectation, the weeks stretch ahead of me as I plan what I am going to do. A fantastic combination of all the ‘To Do’ things I haven’t done, mixed in with my children’s wishlist of […]